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Timber Framing for Patio

Moving and assembling on your own can be challenging. Here we see the process for taking our newly acquired timber and working with it.

Here we have the timber on the trailer.
It’s quite a bit that needs to be moved single handedly.

You will see below the video on how I was able to move the timbers.

It’s a fair amount and I must do it alone.
One last view before the video

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  5. Jaibee

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  6. umer23Adupe


    Good luck 🙂

  7. Lilly

    I would not use timber frame. Hardwood sleepers or better again concrete kerbing. Concrete kerbing will last. Hardwood sleepers will last. Timber frame even pressure treated will struggle.

  8. Lilly

    A good content published.

  9. Vijay Sood

    Impressive DIY project showcasing the process of moving and assembling timber for a patio frame. The article provides valuable insights into the challenges of working with heavy materials solo, making it a great resource for ambitious homeowners. The included video demonstration adds practical value, offering viewers a visual guide to the techniques used. This hands-on approach to timber framing is both informative and inspiring for those looking to tackle similar projects on their own.

  10. Muhammad Sohail

    “Timber Framing for Patio” is a great concept for anyone looking to build a sturdy and aesthetically pleasing outdoor space. Timber framing uses large wooden beams and posts to create a functional and visually appealing framework. When applied to a patio, timber framing can offer several advantages.

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